Sunday, January 22, 2012


1 o'clock church is so hard on kiddos...(yes, she's asleep!)

I seriously didn't realize all the difference one more adult makes in church. Kris switched crews at work and hasn't been to church with me for awhile. Today, I couldn't believe everything I got out of sacrament meeting. I actually got to listen to things today. It helped. It was our Ward Conference today, so the Bishop and his wife spoke, along with our Stake President.
The Bishop's wife talked about perspective. She used Carol B. Olsen's article "A Sense of Perspective". In the talk she talks about sense of humor, sense of time, sense of faith, sense of vision, and sense of love. Our Bishop's wife is amazing...she's always very composed, all their children are very well behaved...I am under the impression that motherhood comes easy to her. In talking about sense of humor, she related an experience she had where her kids had accidentally set frogs loose in the house. While looking for them, dinner was burning on the stove, the doorbell rang, her husband came home, her kids needed her, etc. She talked about sitting in the middle of the floor and trying to decide if she should laugh or cry. I was so glad to relate to her...I have ALOT of those moments!
Our Bishop (who is equally as amazing as his wife) related a story about his childhood (he grew up on a farm in Ft. Thomas, youngest of 11 kids) where he was always attacked by a chicken (he gathered the eggs every day). He compared it with David & Goliath. He talked about our trials, and how we pray for help and it doesn't always come, or sometimes it comes and we question if its coming from Heavenly Father or if its just "coincidence".
One of my favorite parts of the meeting? Special number. They sang "More Holiness Give Me". The third verse touched my heart.
More purity give me,
More strength to o'ercome
More freedom from earth stains,
More longing for home.
More fit for the kingdom,
More used would I be,
More blessed and holy -
More Savior like thee.

I just needed that little reminder. With dieting and exercising and trying harder to be better in general...I sometimes forget about all the things I can't do by myself.

And on that note...who's coming to our house in 4 days!?! Kris's brother, David. We are SO excited. And next Sunday we bless Jack. We're lucky kids.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012

I tried to get my New Year blogging done on the 1st...but I had grumpy kids. My New Year's Resolution? No babies this year!:) When I fill out forms and have to list my kids birth dates and I see: 2009, 2010, 2011...I shudder. So, no babies this year. We'll talk about it again in 2013!:)

This year I am resolving to be a little better. Okay, a lot better.

To my kids, a better mother, a better playmate, a better example and a better cook (Annie has called my cooking "yucky" for 2 days now!).
To my husband, a better wife, a better friend, and a better listener.
To my family, a better daughter, sister, cousin, and niece.
To my friends & neighbors, a better friend and neighbor.

And for me...this year I am going to be nicer to myself. I am going to just be happy and not worry so much about things I don't have any control over. And I'm going to change the things I can control. Like the arrangement of my living room furniture, my inability to sew, my weight, the colors of my walls, how I spend my time, and my attitude.

I am going to be better to myself.

Here's to 2012...

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books, kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or sing or build and live only as you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."
Neil Gaiman