Sunday, March 13, 2011


Let me just start this post by saying what an AMAZING husband I have. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. He's pretty much a shoe-in for Husband of the Year 2011.
The agreement was that I could go to SLC for my friend's, David & Deb, sealing in the Bountiful temple...but only if I took Miss E with me. The night before I was supposed to leave (plane ticket already purchased, of course), I decided I wasn't going to go. Going with the baby would be NO FUN. She's kind of a high maintenance kid and I'm kind of sleep deprived as it is. I told this to Kris, whose response was, "You should go. Alone." No argument from me!

I headed out of Tucson on Thursday afternoon and got into SLC that night. The big fun was that I didn't tell Dave & Deb that I was coming (Hello fun surprise!), so I stayed with Tristen, which was super fun! Friday we bummed around downtown. My sweet in-laws came from Idaho to see me (I didn't think they would, since I was coming baby-less...I sure felt loved!), and we had lunch at the Lion House. SO YUMMY!

I sure miss downtown SLC. There's just something about it! I really enjoyed getting to walk around Temple Square. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Thank heavens for that...I would've been a little sad to get stuck inside due to snow.

Friday afternoon/evening, Tristen took me out for dinner and a movie! We saw Red Riding Hood (it was okay...) and then met her roomie, Erin, and went to Mimi's Cafe. It was my first time there. YUMMY muffins! I had a Cobb Salad, but they didn't have tomatoes. It wasn't the same without them, but good nonetheless.

Saturday was the sealing. I felt SO blessed that I could be there. I knew Dave & Deb from the U, and had the fun of watching them date and seeing Deb join the Church. I missed getting a picture with their little boy. It was so special to get to see their little family sealed. The Spirit was so strong and I was so uplifted by the sealer's words.

Me & Deb at the brunch afterward (at her parent's EXQUISITE home in Bountiful...I couldn't believe this house!). It was so lovely to get to see my friends!

Fun trip, but I am so glad to be home with my babies! I sure did miss my girls. The break was much needed, so I'm pretty grateful for that. Thankfully, I caught up on some sleep (I know, right?), so I'm pretty much ready to conquer the world for awhile.:)

1 comment:

  1. Your trip looked so fun!!! I'm glad you got to go. I think we need things like that!
