Sunday, June 12, 2011


I hate Sundays. I think I've said that before...probably more than once. HATE. I've always felt like Sunday needed to be "different". My kids need to know that Sunday is a special day. I decided no TV, cartoons, etc. before church, so we could have a "spiritually uplifting" kind of Sunday.

In a perfect world, the morning is lovely. We wake up at 7 a.m., change diapers, turn on some church music and make pancakes and eggs and enjoy all our morning before we get ready for church. Cute, huh? This morning: Emily woke up at 1 a.m. and finally managed to get to sleep around 5:30 a.m. (Annie's in on my perfect world, though...she had to be woken up about 7:15!). Kris went to bed (he's on graveyards) at 7:30, Annie had a banana and milk and Emily had a bottle. I had a ham sandwich. And we watched Toy Story 3. They did let me make cupcakes (picture at the bottom). Emily only cried the last 10 minutes of trying to get that done. Then she cried for the next 45 minutes. And she spit-up on her dress.

We got to church and Annie was so wound up I wanted to scream. She's 2...truthfully, I don't know what I expect. But seriously, a little quiet would be awesome. She chattered, jumped up and down, laid on the floor. To deal with that on 2 hours of sleep was ridiculous. Why did I go to church?

Oh right, so I could listen to 4 talks (4 TALKS!?!) about the importance of the Sabbath. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Humble yourself, before the Lord humbles you.

I missed most of the talks, but here's what touched my heart. When I came back in from taking Annie out (she's lucky there was people in the foyer...she had a spankin' coming!!), the last speaker was talking about having little kids and how difficult it is to get to church, read scriptures, do Family Home Evening, etc. with little people. Then he talked about the intentions of our hearts, and how our intentions AND our obedience are what the Lord looks at.

Thank heavens for that, cause my intentions are usually pretty good. I'm trying. So hard. And when I think, "How am I going to do all this with 3 kids?", I feel a little better knowing that at least I'm trying. I haven't given up yet. Yet.:)

When I got home, my cousin (who just got called to be R.S. President in her ward...she's pretty incredible, no lie) had left this comment on my Facebook (I put that I was giving up on Sundays). She said, "
I remember not long ago thinking this same exact thing. My wonderful mother often reminded me there is a time and a season in each of our lives for everything. The important thing is you are teaching your beautiful little girls the importance of obedience. Even when you go and don't feel like you got anything out of it. They are growing up realizing you spend Sundays at church. And some day in the not to distance future you will get your spiritual uplifting Sundays back. And then you will be called to be the RS pres."

So next Sunday we'll go back to our BYU Radio and skip the cartoons. My family needs to know that Sunday is a different day. And I'll do my best to not think about how HARD it is going to be after November.:)

Snickers cupcakes. They helped ease the difficult Sunday.:)

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