Wednesday, December 28, 2011


If there's anything I regret about Christmas this year, its that we didn't put up a tree. We couldn't get much for the kids, not to mention Emily puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and Annie gets into anything that looks a little putting a tree up just seemed like a stupid idea. Unfortunately, we never got into any kind of Christmas spirit, so the whole holiday seemed pretty lame. Thankfully, my kids aren't old enough to realize that it was a tough time of year and that they didn't get much. Little people think the smallest things are AMAZING. I wish I could be like that! Next year, no matter what...tree!
Our ward party was the 22nd, and I trekked down to the church alone (Kris was working) with all 3 kids. Stupid. Who in their right mind would do such a stupid thing? Thankfully, a sweet sister in our ward came and took Emily out of my arms and invited us to sit with her family. They helped us get food and get through the program. Kris got to come late, so he was there at the end when the girls got to sit with Santa. And...we made it through this year with NO TEARS! Success!

She was SO exhausted!

On Christmas Eve our neighbors came delivering gifts from our friends, Jeremy & Danielle, in Mesa. And I bawled like a baby. With the holidays just not going like I wanted and feeling a little bit forgotten, this gift seriously lifted my spirits! It meant so much, especially because I know it took alot of time and work.

Kris worked Christmas day, so we didn't celebrate until the next day. But on Christmas morning, I opened our front door (to make sure my bench was still there, of course!) and...presents. I bawled like a baby again. Someone left gifts for our kids on the doorstep. If I ever believed in the Spirit of Christmas, it was this year! How amazing it was, and how grateful I felt to live in such a wonderful neighborhood that somebody would do something so kind for my little family.
The only gift we could get for the kids was a play kitchen. Annie was hysterical. She saw the presents in front of it and looked at them and then said, "Oh my gosh!" Kris asked her what Santa had brought her. She said, "Its....a...KITCHEN!" She was so excited. Needless to say, she and Emily spent the entire day (and pretty much every day since) playing with it.

Clearly very unimpressed...

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