I hate to say this is as good as it gets...but for today, it is!:) WHAT A DAY!
Tonight I told Kris, "Next Sunday I think I will make up my mind about whether or not to go to church AFTER I find out nobody is going." I decided this morning we were going (despite a couple days of diarrhea from my toddler), no matter what. No Dad, no Grandpa, no Auntie. That's how you spell trouble.:)
Super grateful today for friends who let us sit by them (and keep Annie entertained). We sat next to our neighbor and it was SO awesome to watch her 15 year old son coloring with Annie. It melted my heart. Of course, then she had this awesome little tantrum, which required carrying BOTH children out during the middle of Sacrament meeting. I didn't know whether to be irritated or amused when one lady told me after church how "cute" she thought it was. It wasn't cute to me.:) THANKFULLY, our friend was out in the foyer with her son and they kept Annie occupied.
Then there was the poop that leaked through Annie's tights and onto her dress.
Then there were the two hours where Emily was supposed to be sleeping but SO wasn't!
Then there was the fits both girls threw when we got home, just before everybody finally got a short nap.
Despite all the hullaballoo of our life, I have had something on my mind. I've been especially grateful lately for the people I am so blessed to have around me because of the Gospel in my life. We're so lucky to live in a great neighborhood, a great ward, and a great little town.
Today, it started with "Sounds of Sunday" and a talk about the Golden Rule. Then it was even more real to me, watching my 2 year old color with my 15 year old neighbor. The Relief Society lesson was lovely and wonderful and talked about the history of Relief Society and really made me think about the people I've known, all my wards and places I've lived. I thought about my friend Tristen. She was my Relief Society president in Tucson. She spoke in church one Sunday and after I went to her and said, "I'm pretty sure we need to be friends." And we were/are. I wouldn't trade that for anything. And I wouldn't have met her otherwise, if it wasn't for the Gospel. I get to see her in a few weeks, and seriously, I can't hardly stand it. Love that girl.
I think that's the only reason I'm surviving these days...good relationships with good people. It's freaking great.
Our closing song in Relief Society today was this...it really touched my heart.
Each life that touches ours for good,
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love.
What greater gift dost thou bestow,
What greater goodness can we know
Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.